Friday, November 6, 2009

What is RIGHT with this world?

I was amused but disheartened to hear the situation that arose a few weeks ago in Dearborn, Michigan. A police officer admitted to confiscating marijuana from a suspect and then, instead of him being a loyal civil servant, he decides to take it home and bake it in a brownie treat, and shares with his wife!! Then in a weird turn of events, he and his wife went paranoid, and assumed they were going to die! They then called 911, and hilariously pleaded for an ambulance! After his supervisors were notified, instead of this man being fired, and charged with possession, he was given the option to resign! What is wrong with this picture? How can this be? This man has obviously mis-abused his authority, and to ad insult to injury, he is not arrested? Who can we trust to protect and serve, when the applications of justice are not enforced on crooked police? I feel this is once again GROSSLY INADEQUATE( my favorite adage)! Try youtubing it, it might make you laugh, but at the end its really very sad that we still condone this behavior in the U.S.

"there's 2 sides to every corner."

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